Mental health deserves a louder voice at the corporate table.
We believe this deeply and are continuously reminded as we sit with clients who story discomfort, overwhelm, burnout, and utter exhaustion from the imbalance of their personal and professional lives.
Anomaly therapy is eager and passionate about advocating for the mental and emotional safety, security, and balance in the workplace. Our workplace wellness offering challenges the common conversation of work/life balance. The focus is placed on recalibrating a system to address employee support beyond the traditional health insurance, 401k, and PTO offerings. We acknowledge the ping pong tables, unlimited coffees and snacks, and support a shift in focus from tangible to intangible value adds at the organizational/systems level. We believe that a company culture can be reinforced by introducing a system that involves and embodies mental health and wellness.
Within the structure of our wellness programs, we evaluate how to implement sustainable changes in the workplace culture, seek change in what it means to support your employees, challenge [often] externalized EAP benefits, and increase overall employee engagement and retention.
The Wellness+ Process
The Wellness+ Process is designed to provide education + process time. Our Wellness+ offering includes 1-2 anomaly therapists who join you and your team in your space and provide education on a [your] topic of choice (50 minutes). Following the educational component, attendees partake in a process group focused on the information provided for 30 minutes. Group size determines how many therapists are in attendance.
The Wellness++ Process
Similar to our Wellness+ Process, our Wellness++ offering includes 1-2 anomaly therapists who join you in your space and provide education + group processing time. The education component (50 minutes), by way of a presentation, is then followed by extensive group processing time (50 minutes). Attendees can expect to spend two full hours with anomaly.
*Both the Wellness+ and Wellness++ offerings can be scheduled for either recurring content or shift toward and include different desired interests. If you don’t know your topic of interest, please note that in our interest form. We can walk you through and help identify this. Note: it is typically where the pain in the system currently is and/or the thing that is creating a theme in the company culture (negative or positive).
Comprehensive Wellness Process
Our Comprehensive Wellness Process is rooted in recurring and consistent support because sometimes we just need more. During our Comprehensive Wellness process, you can expect 1-2 anomaly therapists to join you in your space and offer educational content + process group time. The Comprehensive offering does require a three month commitment where sessions are held once every three weeks for three months - a total of four sessions. During the onboarding process, we will determine if identifying more than one topic of interest is appropriate or if time teasing out one topic is more beneficial for the overall goal.
This is not an individual therapy model, but rather a comprehensive program that aims to enhance the employee experience at work on a systemic level. Our goal is to increase overall employee buy-in, curate a company culture that is high achieving and well-supported, and establish conversation where mental and emotional health and wellness are at the forefront of decision-making and value systems.